The Maryland Soybean Board is to maximize the profitability of Maryland soybean producers by investing Maryland checkoff funds in research, promotion and communication projects. We serve as the lead resource for information that increases the opportunities for the profitability of Maryland soybean producers.

U.S. Soybean Industry Support. The soybean checkoff works to support animal agriculture through programs to enhance soybeans, improve soybean meal, emphasize the economic importance of animal agriculture to influencers at the local, state and national level, increase meat and poultry exports, and to provide reliable, third-party educational information about today’s food system to consumers. When we “value add” to soybeans, it is good for the entire value chain from farmers, truckers, livestock producers, processors and seed technology companies to consumers.

Sustainability. Domestic soybean meal has a proven track record of being a protein source that does not negatively affect the environment. And, U.S. soybean producers have improved the sustainability of their operations in recent years with reduced weed control, reduced trips across the field (requiring less fuel), more no-till, and improved land rotation and yield for other crops, reducing weed/insect control and fertilizer for corn.

Market Driven. U.S. soybeans are a relatively low- or no-subsidy crop compared to other crops and industries. World supply and demand are the primary determinants of the final value of soybeans and soybean meal. Many competing protein sources receive heavy subsidies from foreign governments or from short-term domestic government programs.

MSB Activities

2023: We are MD Soy Research Data  |  Soybean Sampler

2022: We are MD Soy Research Data  |  Research Report | Soybean Sampler

2021:  We Are MD Soy  |  Research Data  | Soybean Sampler

2020:  Research Data  |  Research Report Soybean Sampler

2019:  Research Data  |  Soybean Sampler

2018:  Research Report  | Soybean Sampler

2017:  Research Report  |  Soybean Sampler

2016:   Research Report  | Soybean Sampler

Maryland Department of Agriculture

Become an Ambassador

Maryland agriculture consists of a diverse group of people from all walks of life. Veterans, women, new and beginning farmers and cultural minorities provide different perspectives, voices, cultures and values. USDA is committed to strengthening the effectiveness of the more than 20 industry-funded commodity research and promotion programs, including the United Soybean Board (USB) and state soybean boards like MSB. In order for MSB to accurately represent the industry it serves, it is critical that its board members reflect the full diversity of our industry. If you are interested in volunteering with the board, please contact the Maryland Soybean Board office using the contact form.

Grow High Oleic

High oleic soybeans are top-performing varieties that allow farmers to get the yield and agronomic performance they demand while providing unique, value-added qualities to the soybean oil that our end-users want.  Maryland farmers have been growing high oleic soybeans for several years now. Find out about one Maryland farmer’s experience here.

See more at

Take Action on Herbicide Resistant Weeds

If you have resistant weeds, you know they’re a challenge. If you don’t have them yet, Take Action to prevent them from appearing on your farm. Learn what you can do on your farm, and what the industry-wide partnership between university scientists, major herbicide providers, grower groups and others recommend.

Find out more at

Mid-Atlantic Soybean Disease Scouting Guide

Specialists from the University of Maryland, University of Delaware and Virginia Tech teamed up with the state soybean boards and United Soybean Board to develop an in-depth guide to diseases, scouting and management.


Look no further than U.S. soybean farmers for sustainable products and performance. To meet customer demands, the U.S. Soy industry developed the U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol (SSAP) including independent third party audit and international certification.

Find out more

Let’s Get Social

Find us on Facebook at Maryland Soybean Board
Follow us on Instagram at Md Soybean