Pest and disease management for soybeans is the focus for research projects funded by the Maryland Soybean Board for 2019. The board approved 16 projects for funding, totaling $200,814 in checkoff dollars invested.
The Maryland Soybean Board administers soybean checkoff funds for soybean research, marketing and education programs in the state. It is funded by farmers through an assessment of one-half of one percent of the net market value of soybeans at their first point of sale. One-half of the checkoff funds stay in Maryland for programs; the other half is sent to the United Soybean Board for national and international projects.
Soybean research projects receiving funding for 2019 are:
- Effects of Planting Population on Yield in Full Season Soybeans, Kelly Nichols, UMD Extension, $1,840
- Evaluating Germination Patterns of Horseweed in the Mid-Atlantic Region, Matt Morris, University of Maryland, $2,937
- Evaluating Integrated Approaches to Manage Herbicide Resistance, Ben Beale, University of Maryland, $10,611
- Evaluation of Growth-Promoting Products for Soybean Production in Maryland, Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension, $5,426
- Evaluation of Miravis Neo for Soybean Production in Maryland, Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension, $4,869
- Extending the Growing Season to Get More Payback from Cover Crops, Ray Weil, UMD Environmental Science and Technology, $19,287
- Having a Bitter Bite? The Use of Cover Crop to Manage Slugs, Ivan Hiltpold, UD Entomology & Wildlife Ecology, $9,230
- Identification of New Sources of Resistance/Tolerance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum among Soybean Germplasm Showing Resistance to Phytophthora sojae, Kate Everts, UMD and Benham Khatabi, UMES, $24,000
- Improving Detection of Dectes Stem Borer for Developing Spray Recommendations in Soybeans, Alan Leslie, UMD Entomology, $16,895
- Incidences, Densities, Races, and Virulence of Soybean Nematodes in Maryland, Nidhi Rawat and Ramesh Pokharel, UMD Plant Sciences, $21,608
- Managing Herbicide Resistant Common Ragweed Emergence and Growth in Soybeans, Sarah Hirsh, UMD Eastern Shore, $9,323
- Maximizing Yield and Quality of Mid-Atlantic Soybean Production with Soil Sulfur Management, Ray Weil, UMD Environmental Science and Technology, $20,866
- Phosphorus Runoff from No-Till Soils: Do Cover Crops Make It Better or Worse? Ray Weil, UMD Environmental Science and Technology, $18,219
- Quantifying the Incidence of Yield Reducing Soilborne Pathogens in Soybean Production, Alyssa Koehler, UDE Plant & Soil Sciences, $5,423
- Reducing Deer Damage to Corn Using Forage Soybean as Biological Fencing, Jason Wight, UMD Plant Science, $15,280
- Study the Occurrence and Distribution of Virus Infecting Soybean from Delmarva, Behnam Khatabi, UMD Eastern Shore, $15,000
In Maryland, farmers grow about half a million acres of soybeans, producing more than 20 million bushels of beans each year. With a value of $173 million to the state’s economy, soybeans are one of Maryland’s top crops.
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For More Information:
Susanne Zilberfarb, Executive Director
Maryland Soybean Board
Office: 410.430.2613