The Maryland Soybean Board is pleased to announce that it has awarded 13 research project grants totaling an investment of $156,753 for 2021 production research. The farmer-led board selected projects that would provide growers with the most current information to protect their crops and the environment.
“Through the funding of these projects, we aim to fulfill our mission of increasing the profitability of Maryland soybean farmers,” said Maryland Soybean Board Research Chair Josh Appenzeller. “The projects selected for funding address local issues that will positively impact farmer’s operations.”
The Maryland Soybean Board will be hosting a research field day on August 11, 2021, at the Wye Research & Education Center in Queenstown, to provide farmers with an opportunity to see checkoff-funded research in action. More details on this event are forthcoming.
Soybean research projects receiving funding for 2021 are:
- Field Evaluation of Resistance Sources for Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode, Alyssa Koehler, University of Delaware, $6,180
- Efficacy of Herbicides, Timing, and Tank Mixes on Novel Herbicide Tolerant Traits in MD Soybean Systems, Benjamin Beale, University of Maryland Extension, $7,371
- Fertilizing Cover Crops: Do You Have to Put Some In to Get More Out?, Ray Weil, University of Maryland, $21,344
- Phosphorus Runoff from No-Till Soils – Do Cover Crops Make it Better or Worse?, Ray Weil, University of Maryland, $17,337
- Planting Green – Extending the Growing Season to Get More Payback from Cover Crops, Ray Weil, University of Maryland, $21,130
- Evaluating Drone for Cover Crop Seeding and Pesticide Applications, Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension, $3,474
- Evaluation of Growth-Promoting Products for Soybean Production in Maryland, Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension, $4,795
- Soybean Fungicide Efficacy, Profitability, and Pest Resistance Over Time, Andrew Kness, University of Maryland Extension, $13,098
- Salt Tolerance in Soybean, Naveen Kumar Dixit, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, $19,363
- Evaluating Earlier Planting Dates for Increased Soybean Yields, Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland Extension, $9,767
- University of Maryland Soybean Variety Trials – Check Varieties, Nicole Fiorellino, University of Maryland Extension, $11,391
- Evaluating Soybean Variety Performance and Response to Deer Grazing, Luke Macauley, University of Maryland Extension, $8,258
- Strategies for Controlling Herbicide Resistant Common Ragweed in Maryland, Sarah Hirsh, University of Maryland Extension, $13,245
In Maryland, farmers grow about half a million acres of soybeans, producing more than 20 million bushels of beans each year. With a value of nearly $200 million to the state’s economy, soybeans are one of Maryland’s top crops.
About Maryland Soybean Board: The Maryland Soybean Board is funded by the national soybean checkoff program, which assesses one-half of one percent of the net market value of soybeans at the first point of sale. The board consists of ten volunteer farmer-directors and directs funds for research, marketing and education programs to benefit the Maryland soybean industry.
For More Information:
Danielle Bauer Farace, Executive Director
Maryland Soybean Board
443-812-4526 |