Local farmers and industry professionals are invited to join the Maryland Soybean Board to learn about checkoff-funded research out in the field on August 11, 2021, at the Wye Research and Education Center. Research to be featured includes a spray drone demonstration, use of forage soybeans to control deer damage, evaluation of growth-promotion projects, variety trials, cover crops, and weed management.

“We are excited to provide an opportunity for farmers paying into the soybean checkoff program to see funded research during the growing season,” says Maryland Soybean Board (MSB) Chair Belinda Burrier. “Research funding provided by MSB aims to increase the profitability and sustainability of soybean growers across the state.”

The field day will include nutrient management, pesticide applicator, and certified crop adviser (CCA) credits, as well as offer a snakehead fish fry and barbeque dinner to attendees. Preregistration is encouraged. Find the full agenda, available credits, and registration by visiting https://msbfieldday2021.eventbrite.com.

“We hope to see you there!” remarks Burrier.

About Maryland Soybean Board: The Maryland Soybean Board is funded by the national soybean checkoff program, which assesses one-half of one percent of the net market value of soybeans at the first point of sale. The board consists of ten volunteer farmer-directors and directs funds for research, marketing and education programs to benefit the Maryland soybean industry.


For More Information:
Danielle Bauer Farace, Executive Director
Maryland Soybean Board
443-812-4526 | danielle@mdsoy.com