Road Safety Campaign Aims to Keep Farmers Safe

Creative tools available to help farmers and farm-employees take to the road safely. Aiding U.S. farmers in getting home safely to their families every night is a priority for your soy checkoff. While farming may be one of the most rewarding occupations, it’s also one...

Five Tips for MidAtlantic Motorists to Stay Safe this Growing Season

The proactive safety campaign offers tips, advice and warnings that could save lives. Each year, spring brings an increased number of tractors and other farm equipment to roadways across the state. It also brings a higher number of accidents that can often be...

Spring into Action and Be Seen

Salisbury, MD (March 8, 2021) – Spring brings planting season for Delaware and Maryland farmers. That means more tractors pulling planters and other farm equipment down highways and roads across the state. That also means increased potential for farm-equipment-related...

Soybean Farmers Applaud Maryland Department of Transportation

Maryland Soybean Board to partner in education outreach The Maryland Soybean Board praises the Maryland Department of Transportation for their innovative consideration of farmers in their recently released 2021-2025 Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP). The...